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Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel : 13.10.1852
- Strukturtyp
- Ausgabe
- Erscheinungsdatum
- 13.10.1852
- Sprache
- Deutsch
- Sammlungen
- LDP: Zeitungen
- Digitalisat
- SLUB Dresden
- urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-db-id39946221X-185210130
- OAI-Identifier
- oai:de:slub-dresden:db:id-39946221X-18521013
- Lizenz-/Rechtehinweis
- Public Domain Mark 1.0
- ZeitungBörsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel
- Jahr1852
- Monat1852-10
- Tag1852-10-13
- Monat1852-10
- Jahr1852
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15 OS 1852.) LMvals, HIvsirLteä Looks eie. kor 1853. I^Iis Sermon on tke ,Voun/. litnminsted in 6old and Oolours, in tke Nisssl stgle. i^ew Ldition in s «maller «ire; will, an entirelg new «et ok Illumination« snd Orna ments. Squsre 18mo. I» tke ^nlumn. Vemoirs, dourno/ snd Oorrespo-tderree ok I/romos 3/oore. Kdited kg tke Ligkt Hon. /orddo/r»D«sse//. Witli Lortrsitssnd Vig nette Illustrsk. Vols. I. snd ll. nesrlg resdg. 7^omas 1/oore's ?oet/coi Ikor/.s. Ike kirst Oolleoled kdition; witk tke Dutobiogrspki- eai Lrekaee« and Kote«, Lortrsit, snd 19 Mistes. D tiepukliestion in 10 Nontklg Vo lume«, kep. 8vo. eael, (Vol. I. on Ko- vember 1) ord. 3 «. 6 d. /kAends ok tke 1/«don»o »8 represented in tke kine ^Vrts. korming tlie Ikird Serie« ok Sscred and l.egen<Iarg ^rt. Lg Nr«. ,1a- meson. Squareero wn 8vo. — In tke^utumn. Foore's /.M« DooL/,..- an Oriental ltomsncs. -V Kew Läitioa, 8vo. illu«trsled witk 13 kngrsvings kivisked in tke kigke«t stgle ok tke^rt. Squsre erown 8vo. olotli ord. 15 s. Aoroceo ord. 1 L 8 s. L^m-ols and LmL/ems ok L'or/U and il/edrae- vo/ O/rrrs/iarr >>rt. 93 Ltekiags, krom Suk- jvts in lke Oataeombs okliome, Nosaies, Seulptures, Lsinted 6Isss,and llluminated NN8. okronologicsllg arrsnged, witk De- scriptive letterpress. kg kouisa Iwining. Logal 4to. ord. 1 II s, 6 d. Ike /r/e i»nl L),rst/es ok 8/. /'«u/. Lg tke Lev. W. .1. Oongbears, and tke Lev. .1. 8. Lowson. Witk verg numerous lllustrstions on «teel snd wood kg W. II. ksrtlett; and kg Naps, Okarts, Woodvuts ok Ooins, etc. 2 vols. 4to. Kearlg readg. Ike Oour/ >l//,»m, or Look ok Leantg kor 1853. D Serie« ok ekarming Lortraits ok tke goung kemsle Kobilitg, krom Drawings lolin lls^ter, sn4 otlier eminent Artist«. 4ko. riekly gilt. or«I. 1 E 1 «. Ooloure«! or3. 2^2«. Hie /kee/,«a/t-e kor 1853. kiiitoä dx Ni«« HI. V. kower (kk>äy LIe8«ington'« Kieoe), s«- «i«te<I bg tke mo«t pupnlsr writor« oktke 6«)-. LesntiknIIx illu«trste<l »näer tlie «u^erinten- ilenve ok Nr. krederiok Oestli. koxsl 8vo. ord. I L 1 «. — — Indis prook«, moroeoo ord. 2 ^ 12 «. 6 d. Ille Oomre kor 1853- Illnstrsted Ooorge Orniksksnk. >Vitk Isrge vo- loured krontispieee, snd nuineron« otlier Illustration«, kep. 8vo. ord. 2 «. 6 d. k/i//-errows Lomsncs. 8^ lk. kongkellow. LeautikuII^ illnstrsted dx 8irket koster, krom vrswing« mad during s lour in 1852, in 6erman^, 8wil/.erlsnd snd tlie V^rol- Orown 8vo. elotk ord 1 1 «. Noroeco ord. 1 L 10 s. 6e->i«kor tke Drawk-iA-Koomeomprising co- ioured vrswings ok kruit, klower«, snd Lirds, variou«!^ grouped, printvd in 6vld, will, ornsmental 6old 8ordvrs. "kke vraw- ing« bx ?snl lerrsrd; tlie koetrx I>^ k. >V. K. Lsxley. 4 Look«, kolio, eaek ord. 1 E 11 «. 6 d. /<ec»//eetro«« ok a '/»ur in tke /orrra» <,>6ece, snd k7E<«-rrrno/<Ie, 8;,' Oenr^ Oook. Loiio. ord. 6 L 6 «. IVor/c, snd it« DesrArr. ö>' N. vigb^ IV^stt, ^rokitsot. Onikorm in «ire will, "klie Industrial ^rt« ok tke Kineteentk Oenturx." 50 kul!^ ooloured klste«, illu- «trsting some kundrod speoimons ok tke most sdmirskle relies ok tke Niddlo -^ge«, snd »k tlie Leriod ok tke Lensisssnee. kolio, kound ord. 6^6«. II,o /krasse« ok Vor//,.«,/r/,/«ns/«»re. Loduced to Sosle krom tke "Lubbings" in possessio» ok tke ^utkor, snd ongrsvod in tintod litko- grspkx snd bron?.e, so ss to Ke kso-similes ok tke original«. 8^ krsnklin Hudson. 1 vol. 80 Liste« and öeseriptions, 4to. elotk. ord. 4^4«. Äucires, ^Ire/iitee/ara/, Koa/p/ura/, snd /Vek«res-«e, in A«- Avs snd iks .Ve«>//rko«r- /road. 8^ 1. 8. Wsring, N. 8. I. 8. -V, ^utkor ok "^rekilockural Vrt in ItsI^ snd Spain"Original Designs kor Livio Xr- ekiteelure, eto. 40 klares, kolio ord. 5^5«. ?>es/r Drscoverres a/ ^-nerie/«, snd ^esear- e/res a/ Aa/-i,/o». 8^ Ilenrv V. I.syard, II. 6. 8. Will, numerous plutes snd woodeuts. 2 vols. 8vo. In tke kress. ///as/ra//o«s ok tke §cu//-/»res, Vase«, snd Aro»2es recentlx discuvered Nr. 1.aA- «r</ a/ Vr»rer>e/t. 70 Liste«, kolio. In tke Lress. ^18. — kisker's Vrawing - koom 8crsp- 8ook will not Ke publisked tkis z'ear. l>ondon. lonxin»», 8ro«i», 4»r«en L <k«. I,«NAIN»I» »nck <k« 8 Looks Läaxtkä kor 6kristwL8 kressais. Ikoore's /r/s/r Ike/od/es. Illustrated bx D. Nselise, 8. Will, 161 Designs, snd tke vrkole ok tke Kotter-press eogrsved on Steel I>x k. L. Leeker. New snd ckesper kdition. Super - roxsl 8., in elotk, 1 E 11 s. 6 d.; moroceo 2 L 12 s. 6 d. §e»/Ee»/s and LUdes ok 57,a/rs/>eare. Olsssilied Seleetion ok Simile«, Delinilioas, Deseription«. Vkitk sn elsboralelx illuini- nsted Lorder in tke eksrsetoristio stxls ok tke klirsbelksn period, snd otker em- belliskments dx llenr^ Koel Dumpkrexs. Lonnd in very msssire esrved snd piereed oover». Square post 8. 21 ». /.Arr'cs ok tl,e //eart, snd otker Loems. 8^ ^.Isrie Watts. Square erow» 8- 31 s. 6 d. boards. or 45 «. moroceo. /.eg-e»ds ok tke ilkonas/re Orders, ss repre- sented in tke Line ^rts. kvrming tke Seeond Serie« ok „Ssered snd legendär^ ^rt." 8y Nr«. .Ismeson. Second kdition (1852). 8q. crown 8- 28 s. elotk. S'aered snd 7e,/e»dar^ .tr/,^ or, legend« ok tke 8aints snd Nartxr«. 8x Nr«, dsmeson. kirst Serie«. Second Ldition. Squsre erovvn 8. 28 s. elotk. §-> KoAer De Oorer/e^. krom tke Spevts- lor. Will, Kots« snd Illustrstions, >V. Ilenr^ Will«; and Iwelve tine Wood Lngraving«, K)' lokn Ikompson, krom Designs k^ krederiek Isxler. Orown 8- 15 «. kosrds; or 27 «. kound i» moroeco, K^ IIs>dsx^ ^4 Dscord ok tke ö/ae/c /5 /»ree. ln s rick esrved snd piereed dinding, pries 21 «. D/o,rsrs an tkeir /O'adred ?7i»AA^/s / s Serie« ok 8^ Nary ^nne Laeon. Illu strated snd printtzd in Oolours Owen lones. Imperisl 8. pries 31 s. 6 d. ele- gantlx boukd. k-'tzkvtSZlylL Drar/s krom tke Oarde» snd tke Dre/d. 4. Series ok Stsnras. 8is Nar^ ^nne Davon, .4utkoress ok „Winged Ikougkk«." VVitk Illustration« by Owen dones. Imperial 8- pries 31 «. 6 d. vlegsntly kound in cslk. IV-NAed 77«oa,//ds/ a Series ok Loems. Lg Narg ^nne Davon. Will, Illustration? kg Owen done«. Imperial 8. pries 31 «. 6 d. elegsntlg kound in cslk. Orag's D/opg, written in s Oounlrg Okurck- gard. Illuininated in tke Nisssl Stglo dg Owen dones, ^rekiteet. Imperial 8- priee 1 ^ 11 s. 6 d. elegsntlg kound. Ike Doo/r o( //»//,. krom tke Nolg Scrip- lure«. Ike Illumination« executed kg Nenrg Koel klumpkreg«. Squsre kcp. 8. priee 21 s. io desplg empossed leatkern vover«. il/au-rars snd krecr/ds ok tke L'arkaar. Squsre kcp. 8. priee 21 s. ricklg kound in stam- ped eslk; or, 30 s. in moroceo. Ike karaü/es ok Oar Dord. Squsre kep. 8. in massive earved eovers, priee 21 s. Ike Mrac/es ol Dar /.ord. In s riek esr- ved dinding (a kae-simile ok s msgoikeent ivorg eover to s kme NS. ok tke Oospel« in tke Lritisk Nuseum), priee 21 «. Ike O'ood 5VEtamm«te. krom tl,s Seriptures — 2 liings, ekap. IV. vv. 8- to37. Will, Six original Designs dg ä. lilein, and so ornsmental Lorder to eack Lage, in Ike Nisssl «tgle, prinled in colours snd 6old dg kewis Kruner. Square kep. 8. in mas sive esrved eovers, 21 «. Nr. F/seardog's /.a^s ok ^nc,e-r< Dome. Wild numerous Illustration«, Original and.
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